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Guided-Implant SurgeryHigher accuracy, better results: dental implants that make an impact.
This advanced technique can help restore your smile

Guided Surgery for Dental Implants in Southfield, MI

Losing a tooth isn’t just about losing confidence; it can harm your jawbone, too. Over time, missing teeth lead to bone loss, which not only affects your appearance but also risks shifting teeth and decay in surrounding ones. Dental implants prevent this bone loss by integrating with your jawbone, mimicking natural tooth roots. But while dental implants have been around for a while, new advancements have made it possible to place them with ultimate precision and comfort for patients.

Our advanced guided-implant technology at Michigan Gum Docs allows our surgeons to control every aspect of crafting and placing your dental implant. Using a combination of CT scans and 3D models, your doctor will have a crystal-clear picture of the amount of bone that needs to be grafted and precisely where it needs to be placed. That means a higher success rate, less downtime, and a perfect fit for restoring both your smile and oral health.

Crafting Dental Implants for a Perfect Fit

Guided implant surgery offers exceptional precision in crafting both the implant and prosthetic you’ll receive after healing. Advanced imaging allows us to custom-craft support structures and crowns that fit perfectly, ensuring optimal comfort and longevity. This heightened accuracy significantly boosts the success rate compared to conventional free-hand methods of dental implant placement and crafting.

With guided surgery, patients can expect a seamlessly integrated implant, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. This level of precision not only enhances the overall experience but also contributes to long-term oral health and satisfaction with the implant outcome.

Benefits of Guided-Implant Technology

Guided-implant technology means more accurate placement and a streamlined surgical process, all of which translate to more comfort and better patient outcomes. The tools we use allow us to plan ahead for your procedure and tailor our treatments to your unique anatomy. Plus, guided technology provides patients with a clearer understanding of the procedure and its outcomes, leading to increased confidence and satisfaction.

  • Enhanced Precision
  • Reduced Procedure Time
  • Improved Success Rates
  • Minimized Discomfort
  • Predictable Outcomes
  • Optimal Bone Grafting
  • Enhanced Patient Experience

Our Guided-Implant Surgery Procedure

Guided dental implant surgery begins with a precise 3D model of your unique bone structure, crafted through CT scanning. This model helps your surgeon position implants and crowns with enhanced accuracy, often reducing the overall procedure time—and recovery. It also helps us understand precisely how much bone needs to be grafted onto the tissue for a successful implant.

During the implantation, a titanium post is surgically positioned in the jawbone. A healing phase follows where the bone fuses with the implant, typically lasting a few months. Once integration is complete, an abutment is attached to the implant, allowing for a custom-made artificial tooth placement. The result: a streamlined process that enhances both efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring patients receive durable, natural-looking smiles with minimal disruption.

Transform Your Smile
Your questions answered.

Guided-Implant Surgery FAQs

Traditional implant surgery relies on the dentist’s expertise and experience to physically place the implant during the procedure. Guided implant surgery, on the other hand, relies on advanced dental technology to achieve a high level of precision in implant placement. Instead of X-rays, we use advanced CT scans and 3D models to create a digital treatment plan for precise placement.

In guided-implant surgery, smaller incisions are often possible due to precise planning, which can lead to faster healing and reduced discomfort. While not guaranteed, the nature of guided surgery typically means a more comfortable experience and reduced recovery time for patients.

Dental implant coverage by insurance can be variable and depends on your specific plan. Many dental insurance plans don’t cover the entire cost of dental implants because they might be considered cosmetic by some insurers. However, there are scenarios where insurance might contribute partially, especially if the implant addresses a medical condition beyond replacing a missing tooth. The team at Michigan Gum Docs is happy to help you understand your options.

Advanced Solutions for Restoring Your Smile

Start your journey toward a fully restored smile with precision-guided dental implants from the gum experts at Michigan Gum Docs. Schedule your consultation today.

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