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Gum Recession TreatmentSmile brighter with advanced treatments for improving gum health.
Maintain healthy gums and prevent recession.

Treating Gum Recession in Southfield, MI

Picture this: you’re taking a bite of your favorite ice cream cone when suddenly, a jolt of discomfort shoots through your mouth. Or perhaps you’re flashing your brightest smile for a selfie, only to notice that your teeth seem longer than usual. These everyday moments, filled with smiles, laughter, and tasty treats, can sometimes reveal a less-than-ideal surprise—gum recession.

At Michigan Gum Docs, we understand the impact that gum recession can have on your smile and overall oral health. It’s like your gums took an unexpected vacation, leaving your teeth exposed and sensitive. Thankfully, we specialize in gum recession treatment designed to restore your pearly whites and your confidence. Explore our gum recession treatment options and schedule an appointment with us today to get started.

a woman brushing her teeth

The Effects of Gum Recession on Your Health & Well-Being

Gum recession, if left untreated, can have significant effects on your oral health. As the gums recede, they expose the roots of the teeth, making them more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. Moreover, gum recession is often a sign of underlying gum disease, such as periodontitis.

This advanced form of gum disease threatens the health of your gums and teeth and has far-reaching implications for your overall well-being. Periodontitis is linked to serious health issues like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Additionally, gum recession caused by periodontitis can cause bad breath, bleeding gums, dentin hypersensitivity, and more.

Our Gum Recession Treatment Options

When it comes to gum recession, the fact is simple: there’s no one treatment that works for everyone. Instead, Michigan Gum Docs provides various gum recession treatments to restore your smile and improve oral health. These include:

Our periodontists are here to walk you through your options and determine the best course of action based on the severity of your gum recession.

a man wearing glasses and smiling at the camera

What to Expect From Your Gum Recession Treatment

Gum disease affects our teeth in various ways, often requiring a range of different treatments for comprehensive control. At Michigan Gum Docs, you have the opportunity to choose between three gum recession procedures based on the severity of your condition. With root scaling and planing, our periodontists will remove the plaque buildup on your teeth and within the gum line using specialized tools. We’ll then smooth the root surface to restore it to a state allowing the gum to reattach.

For patients that have advanced forms of gum disease, we offer a more aggressive and complicated treatment in osseous surgery. This is where the gum flap is lifted back to clean the root surface thoroughly and is stitched back into place. In extreme cases where gum or bone damage has occurred, tissue grafting and bone grafting may be necessary to encourage healthy tissue regrowth. Regardless of the gum recession treatment you require, the periodontists at Michigan Gum Docs will handle your condition with expert care.

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Your questions answered.

Gum Recession Treatment FAQs

The answer to this question depends on your gum disease stage. During the early stages, gum disease is known as gingivitis, and it can easily be reversed or treated with improved oral hygiene and deep teeth cleaning treatments. Early detection is crucial because once gum disease moves past gingivitis and into the second stage, known as periodontitis, it can no longer be reversed.

Your gums may recede for a variety of reasons, including brushing your teeth too aggressively, tartar buildup, tobacco use, tooth misalignment, and more. In order to prevent your gums from receding and reduce your risk of infection, you should always practice proper oral hygiene. This includes:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day
  • Flossing once daily
  • Using mouthwash
  • Avoiding a hard-bristle toothbrush
  • Stopping smoking and using chewing tobacco

Gum recession is usually quite obvious, especially in the later stages of periodontitis. But, when it comes to early detection, you should be on the lookout for visible roots, over-sensitivity to cold or touch, and loose teeth.

If you notice any of these signs of gum recession, please contact Michigan Gum Docs today to discuss your treatment options.

Providing Continued Support For Oral Health

As the top-rated gum and implant doctors in Southeast Michigan, we’re here for all your oral health needs. Schedule an appointment today.

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